Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Exercise: It's not so complicated, after all!

In this week's post, we continue looking at how having a healthy body can increase our overall happiness.  In the last few weeks I've been talking about how important nutrition is in maintaining our health (and I had plenty to say about it!).   Today, we'll take a look at the physical-fitness side of things.

There's no question about it - our bodies were made to move.  Unfortunately, judging by the general physique of the population, many of us aren't moving enough.  Are you moving enough?  Try this - keep track of how often you are sitting/lying down throughout any given day.  Do you commute?  Have a desk job?  Like to relax in front of the TV before bedtime?  There is nothing wrong with any of those things, but added together, they make for a pretty sedentary lifestyle.

What types of exercise are the best?  Ask ten people and you'll get ten different answers.  Some swear by running.  Others say lifting weights is key.  You'll find many yoga fanatics out there alongside those that just like to walk around their neighborhood.

Want to know the best kind of exercise?

The one you'll do.  That's kind of a "duh" answer, but it's true.  If you do not have major weight loss or body/shaping goals, then it doesn't really matter what you do, as long as you do.  

There are a plethora of "programs" to choose from (turn on the TV at 3 AM you are sure to find a muscle-bound, sweaty guy pushing his latest product on you), there are also YMCA's to join, online support, fitness magazines, etc.  Pick one and do it.  And if you don't like it & didn't stick with it - pick something else.

Yes, it's probably smart to have some form of cardio.  Yes, it's probably smart to have some weight-bearing activities.  Stretching is a good idea as well (plus, it just feels good).  Truth is, pretty much any physical activity you do will fall into one of those three categories.  Don't make this part so hard.

Often, we tend to overcomplicate things - perhaps we are looking for an easier answer (i.e., take this pill and you'll wear the pants size you're dreaming of).  The easy answer is this - move your body every day in a way you find enjoyable.


Now get off the computer and go for a walk!

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