Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Meditation Tips For Beginners

When is the last time you did nothing? I'm not talking about watching TV or going to bed early, I'm talking about just - sitting.  The science behind the benefits of meditation is so bountiful I'm not even going to go into the details. Google it if you don't believe me. :-) Personally, I've filed it under "Things We All Should Probably Be Doing" right behind tooth brushing and before cleaning out the lint trap in the dryer. 

I have tried meditation in the past, but always felt like I was doing it wrong. After 45 seconds of deep breathing and trying not to think, I was either asleep (not the goal) or adding to my mental to-do list (also, not the goal). 

Then, I stumbled upon this little gem of a website and discovered there is almost no wrong way to meditate (except for that falling asleep thing) and not being able to totally clear my thoughts was very normal (especially for a beginner). 

I encourage you to read this article series they posted. Be sure to watch the videos - nothing says relaxation like watching happy little monks. :-)  

In addition to the tips the monk videos taught me, I also discovered the "Buddhist Meditation" app (Free) for my Android phone. Here's what I like about it:
  • Since I always have my phone with me, I have no excuse not to meditate. 

  • It starts you small and works you up gradually. In the picture below, you can see its at level 3 of 10 and the time is 5 minutes. (I think level one starts at 2 minutes, level two is 3 minutes, I believe).

  • This app gives nifty little quotes that you can meditate on if you are so inclined. 

  • It has a timer. Some people say you shouldn't use a timer, however I'm one of those people who will sit there the entire time checking the clock because I don't want to meditate for "too long." (Lets face it - one of the reasons I meditate is because I'm pretty busy & like the forced downtime. When I'm done here, I've probably got something to go do). 

  • The timer has an off switch if you want to meditate longer that day (or just don't like timers). The "alarm" also has different sound options, most of which are fairly gentle. 

  • If you haven't meditated in a few days, a reminder will pop up. It even says "please." :-)

So what are you waiting for? No need for incense, fancy pillows, statues of chubby little Buddhas - sitting in a chair will even do the trick. I've even been known to do it sitting in bed. Wherever you do it, you can be sure you're on your way to a more peaceful way of living.

Do you already meditate? Leave your favorite meditation tip below in the comments section. I'd love to hear them!

1 comment:

  1. Meditation is an essential term which brings good positive changes in our personality. In order to deal with stress and depression, we used to take the help of meditation. So through regular meditation, we are able to improve our personality, concentration power, boost our brain power and many others.
    Meditation Tips
