I'll admit it - I like to be comfortable. When the temperature varies outside 74-82 degrees, I have a hard time not complaining. I have what I refer to as "sittin' down shoes" that look good, but I rarely wear because while very cute, comfortable they are not. My favorite pants are maternity pants - you know, the kind that cover your entire belly. No need to loosen a belt with those puppies on! Bring on the buffet!
As much as I like to be comfortable (and tend to be a stickler for routine), today I wanted to talk about getting out of your comfort zone. If you're like me, you're starting to sweat just thinking of the idea. But I'm talking about more than wearing an uncomfortable pair of shoes for the sake of fashion. I'm talking about doing something bigger.
The idea for this post came to me a couple of weeks ago when I became aware of a friend who is trying a new sport as part of his exercise regime. Being one of the least aggressive males I know, he is trying his hand at a form of boxing. Totally out of his comfort zone. As I learned of this new endeavor of his, I couldn't help but think what a great idea this is for him and how more people need to follow his lead. (No, I'm not suggesting everyone go out and learn how to hit things). When was the last time you tried to do something or learn something new that was totally out of your comfort zone?
We are creatures of habit, which is not always a bad thing. However, if we never venture out of our comfort zones we are robbing ourselves of tremendous growth opportunities. You don't even have to be successful at it! Simply the act of learning a new skill (even if you stink!) or working towards a large goal you had always thought un-attainable is enough to give yourself a significant happiness boost.
So, today I want you to think about something you've always wanted to do, but haven't. Maybe you always thought "Oh, I could never do that" or maybe you thought "I'll get around to it eventually." Well, lets have "eventually" start today! By pushing yourself even just a little bit, you'll be amazed at the positive changes it can have in your life! Good luck!
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