This week, we continue to look at how to keep our bodies physically healthy so that we may achieve maximum happiness. Staying with the nutrition component of physical fitness, today we're going to take a look at what you should be feeding that body of yours.
If you're like most Americans, at some point in your life you have probably tried to "diet." These days, there are probably as many diets as there are people dieting: South Beach Diet, Atkins, Paleo, Biggest Loser, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig - the list goes on. Each diet has its own cult following, websites filled with inspiring before and after pictures, and a list of rules that must be followed to achieve maximum results.
Even if you are not currently on a diet, many people still like to try to eat healthy at least sometimes. Unfortunately, with all of the diet/nutrition information we are being (over)fed on a daily basis (many of it contradicting yesterday's report) it can be confusing to know what's OK to eat and what's not.
"Fat is bad! Don't eat it!" "Wait - no, fat is OK! Eat it up!" "Hold on - some fat is OK. Here is today's list of OK fat..."
No wonder obesity is such an epidemic - even trying to eat well is so confusing its easier to just not care!
Well friends, let me ease your minds. It doesn't have to be so hard. In fact, it can be downright easy. I believe Michael Pollan puts it best in his book, "In Defense of Food," when he says:
"Eat real food. Mostly plants. Not too much."
Let me break that down for you just a stitch -
"Eat real food" - we're talking about ditching the processed stuff, here. Who cares what the front of the box claims or even what the nutrition label has to say - we're just interested in the ingredients. If you can't pronounce it, couldn't re-create it in your kitchen and your great-grandma wouldn't recognize it as food, don't eat it.
"Mostly plants" - lettuce, peppers, apples, grapes, etc. Things you could grow yourself if you had the time and talents. Food that God put on this earth however many years ago. Eat lots of that.
"Not too much" - Although this is one of Pollan's original 3 rules, don't get hung up on this one. If you are following the first two rules, you aren't going to need to worry too much about it. Fact of the matter is, your stomach will tell you when you are full of "real food" a lot quicker than if you are eating the more calorie-dense processed junk.
That's it. That's all you have to do and I am willing to bet you will start to shed some un-needed pounds, your blood sugar levels will be where they need to be, your cholesterol levels should be in an appropriate range and a host of other good things will start happening in your body.
If I haven't made a believer out of you yet, I encourage you to read "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan or watch the brief 90-ish minute documentary, "Forks Over Knives." (Click
here to watch it free on hulu).
Will it take work up front? Yes, particularly if you're prone to fast food and convenience food. There will be new recipes to try, new products to learn about at the grocery store, but its worth it. I promise. Your body will thank you, and really - isn't that the whole idea?